You porn and now iPorn. Yep, that’s right, there is now an
iPhone application for porn. This makes me wonder what’s next, since I carry a
Blackberry. I’m now waiting for Blackporn, or how about the new Palm…Preporn? The
concept of phone porn gives me pause. I suppose it opens up a world of
possibilities for hiding and participating, as there’s no more need for the
more obvious computer screen with its deadly cache.
Google has a monthly volume of over 100 million porn-related searches. I suppose all of the mobile carriers will now start tracking hits as well. Click through, band width, it’s a whole new ballgame. The end game is revenue and demand. Give the people what they want and they will buy it.
I have a fourteen year old whose phone has internet connectivity and the ability to stay in touch minute to minute with Facebook friends and their Status Updates. It also has Google maps and so I get answers to random questions before I can even think them through. Technology is great.
I’m not so pollyanna as to think that publicly traded companies will forever forgo revenue opportunities on behalf of their shareholders (Apple); but they did decide this time that there is a line that should not be crossed. Please tell me that it’s true; freedom of speech or freedom of decency. How are we to shield our children from this?
I always liked the show America Most Wanted; bad guys splashed across the screen. Honest people taking a look around and being brave enough to pick up the phone and call. I find myself looking at iPhone users a little closer, wondering what they are watching. If I were to notice mobile obscenity what would I do? I’m not sure. There is no number to call, confrontation makes no sense, asking why would evoke no response but ignoring it seems irresponsible.
I end up at that old children’s song: “Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little eyes what you see; for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes what you see.” No condemnation, looking with love, a broken heart full of sadness for the pain we choose. I think I will hit the search engines tonight and see if there is an iPhone app for that. It would sell like hotcakes.